Portrait of Claire de Fraiteur - Founder of Janvier Plants and Design
Venturing into Green Realms: A Conversation with Landscape designer, Claire de Fraiteur…
Discover the story of Claire, a Landscape Designer transforming Lisbon's landscape. From Paris to Melbourne and now Lisbon, Claire's journey is one of reinvention and creativity. Join us as we explore Janvier Plants & Design, her hub for crafting serene urban havens. Dive into her impactful projects, including the transformative touch on the Vintage Hotel, where each space becomes a living canvas.
Portrait of Claire de Fraiteur
1. Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Claire, and I am a Landscape Designer living in Lisbon for the past three years.
2. What brought you here (your professional background, education, events...)?
I made a life-changing decision five years ago, leaving behind Paris and the world of luxury and fashion on a "random and decisive" whim to exile myself as far as possible: Melbourne, Australia. I abandoned a life that no longer suited me.
In Melbourne, my professional career took a radical turn, allowing me to finally focus on my passion: design and nature. After several months of learning on the job, covering everything from horticulture to space planning within a landscape architecture studio, I crossed the ocean again to settle in Lisbon (my heart's city) and establish my own business: Janvier Plants & Design. I continued learning on the field, but this time in my own way, at my own pace, and with my aesthetic, in a city I have always loved.
I embarked on this life project in a foreign country and language, aiming to bring more greenery into our cities and lives, all while making a living from my passion. I faced obstacles and made mistakes that helped me grow. For two years now, Janvier has been well-established in Lisbon, and our team is growing along with the scale of our projects.
Our studio is based in Campolide, and we mainly work on landscape projects (gardens and terrace/rooftop design) for both residential and business clients.
Photos courtesy of Janvier Plants
3. What do you particularly enjoy about working in the field of architecture and design?
We often forget the need for nature in our lives. As a landscape designer, I appreciate the importance of plants in a created space. They soften harsh lines and blur the boundaries between surfaces, serving as a connection between what we create and where we come from: a link to the earth. Plants remind us that our living spaces depend not only on artificial elements.
In limited space, we prioritize the artificial over nature. Many have forgotten how much greenery brings life to our urban spaces. It's crucial that we try to maintain vegetation in our living spaces: homes, apartments, as well as stores and offices. I enjoy envisioning plants embracing concrete edges and balconies overflowing with ornamental and edible foliage, bringing nature back into our lives. It invites a sense of calm, creating a sanctuary where one can relax, drowning out the city noises with the rustling of leaves.
4. Do you have a specific approach in your projects and designs?
I like to work with my heart, and I believe it shows in our projects. I appreciate working with kindness and respect, without hierarchy. I consider each project as the result of teamwork, never individual effort.
I always say yes to everything, even if I don't know how to do it, and it might be daunting. I love challenges and constant learning. I think the most important thing as an entrepreneur is a taste for risk and the unknown. As for my clients, I always ask them many questions because, to me, a project is about sharing a signature. It's a story of dialogue and understanding: their expectations, tastes, how they envision their surroundings, what interests them, etc.
Terrace of the Vintage Hotel, Lisbon - Photo courtesy of Janvier Plants
5. Is there a specific type of project you particularly enjoy working on?
Creating gardens. The garden is the canvas where I can play with my creativity the most. It's an experimentation ground for forms coexisting between Man and Nature. Garden creation allows playing with various elements: vegetation, shapes, materials, colors, scents, shadows, raw materials. Working on a garden's creation is like creating a work of art.
6. Where do you find your inspiration? What is your creative process?
I find inspiration every day around me. I am fortunate to work with plants and nature, so access is easy. I also draw inspiration from many design books with projects whose aesthetics resonate with me. I can open a book and spend an hour trying to identify a tiny plant in the bottom right corner of an image. That's what's great: the research.
7. Do you have a favorite creation/project, and does it hold symbolic value for you?
In 2021, I completed my biggest project at the time: the entire Landscape Design of the Vintage Hotel in Lisbon. It was a leap into the unknown. I was sick; I had COVID. It was three days of installation, and I went there with a fever and a mask. We designed the hotel patios with a tropical theme. Some of the plants we planted were only 45 cm tall at the time; now, they are over 2 meters. I have a strong emotional attachment to this project, firstly because the hotel director trusted me, but also because it marked the turning point when my business truly started to thrive, leading to other beautiful projects. I love going back regularly, and each time, I have tears in my eyes, thinking, "I never thought my life would take this turn." (To be honest, I get teary-eyed after every installed project, with the same thought running through my mind).
Claire in the midst of a project installation
8. Are there any material(s) that particularly speak to you/that you prioritize in the creations you exhibit? Why?
I love wood, and I'm increasingly working with this material because we create custom planters for some projects. I like associating wood with vegetation for its organic, neutral, and minimalist look. Also, the contrast of wood and the greenery of plants is just sublime.
9. Do you have a mentor whose work or creations you'd like to share?
I don't have a specific mentor; I enrich myself from the people I meet every day and their stories.
Vintage Hotel rooftop by Janvier Plants & Design
Follow Claire’s adventure on instagram @janvierplants_landscape and check out her website www.janvierplants.com